“NASA TV”     “http://www.nasa.gov/ntv”     High definition picture :  http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/ustream.html

You-tube video link of  Digital voice “codec 2” for use in HF and VHF Ham Radio.

Welcome to my new website “www.radiohamtech.com”, a website for the known and perhaps unfamiliar tech of ham radio.

Through this website, I hope to bring ideas that although may already be on fellow Radio Ham websites, I myself are not trying to out do the knowledgeable fellow radio hams, where ever in the world, but to bring perhaps a new look and a new thought to the maybe already known tech.

I have many RSGB and ARRL books, as well as my college / university text books. Many perhaps say the same overall story line, but each new author brings a few new thoughts and this just maybe all that is needed for the minds light bulb to light up, with the saying “so that is what book is on about, it starts to make sense now”.

I think as every radio ham has gone through the same process of learning the black art of radio tech, and perhaps we have all gone through the same light bulb experience.

I hope my articles bring a similar light bulb moment.

Alastair GW0AJU.

Studying then the Radio Amateur “City and Guilds exam”, I have been an radio ham since my original callsign GW6ORB, now with the morse attachment to the original “B licence” into a “A licence”, my call since 1985 has been GW0AJU.

In my time have been a Marconi company design engineer, working on satellite Ground test equipment.